When people think about car accident lawsuits, they’re usually thinking about an injured party suing the driver responsible for the accident. While this may be a very common type of car accident claim, it’s far from the only type. In some cases, you may be the party responsible for the accident, but struggle with collecting your settlement amount from your insurance company. These situations have far less to do with fault in the accident and more to do with what you’re owed by your insurance policy, and whether or not your insurer is upholding their end of your contract. If you believe that your insurance company is unfairly denying your claim, paying you less than you’re owed, or otherwise stringing you along, you might be wondering if you have any legal recourse. Keep reading to learn more about whether or not you can sue your own insurance company for denying your claim.
Read MoreAs personal injury lawyers, we focus a lot on harmed parties seeking restitution for their losses—damage to property, lost income, medical expenses, and so on. But what about when one party in a case actually gains something at the expense of another? This is called unjust enrichment, and it can have a major impact on your case, as well as the final settlement amount. Keep reading to learn more about what unjust enrichment is and how it comes into play in many court cases.
Read MoreConstruction sites are host to a number of potential dangers. With unstable and uneven surfaces, heavy objects often being raised overhead by machinery, power tools, and heavy-duty equipment all in close proximity to one another, there are many opportunities for injuries on a construction site. So, if an injury does occur, who is liable for that injury? Can the injured party receive compensation for the medical bills they receive afterwards? Keep reading to find out more.
Read MoreThe winter chill is still alive and well in most parts of the country. As temperatures continue to dip below freezing at night, there’s a good chance that sidewalks and driveways will become icy. If you slip and fall on an icy sidewalk, and you experience a serious injury, who is liable for the resulting medical bills? Are you entitled to seek compensation for those injuries, and if so, from whom? Keep reading to learn more about premises liability in regards to slip-and-fall accidents like these.
Read MoreOffices might not seem like the kind of workplace that would be prone to injuries, but the truth is, workplace injuries can occur at any place of business. Whether you work in a retail store, a warehouse, a cubicle in a standard office, accidents related to the work you perform can still occur. What are the most common types of workplace injuries in offices? And what can you do if you’re injured on the job? Keep reading to find out more.
Read MoreWhen your health requires professional attention, you generally trust in your doctor to provide you with the care that you need. However, doctors are not infallible, and misdiagnoses do occur, and far more often than you might realize between 10% and 20% of all patients in the United States are misdiagnosed at some point in their lifetimes, and as many as 28% of these misdiagnoses can result in life-threatening or irreversible injuries. So, what should you do if you suspect your doctor has misdiagnosed you? Here are a few steps to follow.
Read MoreA motorcycle can be a great mode of transportation. You spend less in gas, and can often get places more quickly, thanks to your automatic access to the HOV lane. However, statistics have shown again and again that motorcyclists are much more likely to be severely injured in automobile accidents. In fact, motorcycle drivers are 27 times more likely to die in a vehicle accident than drivers of other types of vehicles, as well as being much more likely to suffer severe, potentially life-altering injuries. Why are the numbers so stacked against motorcyclists’ safety? Keep reading to find out.
Read MoreMost dog owners view their pets as a member of the family—a beloved four-legged companion who provides them with companionship and love. However, it’s also important that, as a dog owner, you are able to acknowledge that your dog can be a liability when not handled properly. If you own a dog, here are a few things you should know about your duties as a dog owner, and instances in which you may find yourself liable for your dog’s actions.
Read MoreThere are many types of scams out there, looking to take advantage of people and make a quick buck for clever criminals. There are email scams, tax scams, and charity scams, to name a few of the common ones. However, many people overlook the possibility of falling victim to a personal injury scam, or an insurance scam. What are these scams, and how can you avoid falling victim to them? Keep reading to find out.
Read MoreIf you’re involved in a major car accident, heading to the hospital is probably an easy decision. You’ll likely be a bit banged up, and won’t want to take any risks with your health. But what about a minor fender bender? Do you really want to go to the doctor when you feel okay, and only have superficial injuries? The fact of the matter is, it’s always best to see a doctor after you’ve been in a car accident, regardless of how minor you think your injuries might be. Keep reading to find out why.
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