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What Types of Compensation Can Survivors Receive in a Wrongful Death Suit?

  • Oct 26, 2020
  • The Harr Law Firm

When a person dies due to the actions or negligence of another individual, certain survivors of the deceased may be eligible to receive compensation by filing a wrongful death suit against the responsible party. The damages you receive are meant to compensate you for both measurable and immeasurable losses associated with the loss of your loved one. Keep reading to learn what types of damages survivors can receive when filing a wrongful death lawsuit.

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How Is the Pandemic Impacting Divorce Rates in the US?

  • Oct 15, 2020
  • The Harr Law Firm

At the beginning of the pandemic, many people joked about how divorce rates would climb with couples being forced to isolate in their homes together. But for many couples around the country, the toll that the pandemic can take on your relationship is no laughing matter. Keep reading to find out how COVID-19 has impacted the divorce rate in the United States.

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Can You Refuse Child Visitation during COVID-19?

  • Oct 01, 2020
  • The Harr Law Firm

With the United States still dealing with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are continuing to practice social distancing and limiting visits with members outside of their household. While this works for many, it present a unique problem for families in which the parents are divorced or separated. Though your children need adequate time with both parents, you may be concerned about your family’s health at this time, and the risks associated with prolonged exposure to people outside of your child’s primary household. This might lead you to wonder whether or not it’s possible to refuse visitation or shared custody during this pandemic. Keep reading to learn more about this.

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Car vs Semi-Truck Accidents: How These Injury Cases Differ

  • Sep 25, 2020
  • The Harr Law Firm

If you’ve been in an accident involving a semi-truck, it’s important to be aware that your personal injury case may proceed differently than it would if you’d been in an accident with another passenger vehicle. There can actually be many differences between these two types of cases, especially if you have to take the matter to court. Here’s what you need to know about the major differences between injury cases for car accidents and cases for accidents involving a semi-truck.

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What Are the Most Common Issues in a High-Asset Divorce?

  • Sep 14, 2020
  • The Harr Law Firm

Here at The Harr Law Firm, we’re experts at handling high-asset divorce cases. But what exactly does this mean? You might be wondering just how different a high-asset divorce can be from other divorce cases. Of course, many of the same issues must be dealt with in any divorce case—high-asset cases simply have these issues in larger amounts. And, there are a few issues that are unique to high-asset divorces. Keep reading to find out more about the most common issues in these types of divorces are, and how we can help you handle them.

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Identifying and Protecting Yourself from Unfair Competition Practices

  • Sep 02, 2020
  • The Harr Law Firm

Competition is an inevitable (and entirely necessary) part of running a business. While your competition can be brutal at times and may even threaten your business, for the most part, it’s just the way business goes. However, there are certain limits on what your competition can do, and if they cross the line, you may be able to take legal action. But what exactly is considered to be an “unfair” competition practice? Moreover how can you protect yourself from these practices and recognize them when they happen to you? Keep reading for more information.

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Military Divorce: Your Rights, Protections, and Special Circumstances

  • Aug 26, 2020
  • The Harr Law Firm

While every divorce is entirely unique in its circumstances and legal needs, military divorces are a class all their own. They require particular knowledge of the rights and protections that military members have when it comes to divorce—knowledge that we have here at The Harr Law Firm. If you’re a service member, or you’re currently married to one, and you’re going through a divorce, it’s important that you work with a lawyer who’s experienced with military divorces. Here’s what you need to know about your rights, protections available to you, and the special circumstances surrounding your divorce as a service member.

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Can You Sue Your Employer for Wrongful Termination?

  • Aug 17, 2020
  • The Harr Law Firm

Being fired from your job is an incredibly stressful experience, and it can often leave you feeling angry, frustrated, and helpless. You might be looking for someone to blame, or some kind of compensation for the loss you’ve just experienced. The fact of the matter is that most states operate on an “employment at will” basis, which means an employee can be let go at any time for almost any reason. However, if you feel that you’ve been wrongfully terminated, you actually can sue your employer—if you can prove that you were fired illegally. Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine if you can sue for wrongful termination.

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Why Your Attorney Referred You to Us Instead of Handling Your Case

  • Aug 03, 2020
  • The Harr Law Firm

Here at Harr Law, we work with many clients who were referred to us by other law firms. Oftentimes, those clients come to us with feelings of uncertainty regarding why they were referred to us, instead of having their case handled by the other law office. Whether the law office you initially approached was a trusted attorney you’ve worked with before or one you were working with for the first time, there are many reasons you might have received a referral to Harr Law instead. Here are a few of the most common reasons.

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What Are Your Rights as a Passenger in a Car Accident?

  • Jul 29, 2020
  • The Harr Law Firm

Most drivers have a basic understanding of what their rights are when they’re in a car accident: Simply put, the driver at fault (or, more likely, their insurance) pays for the expenses of the other driver. This could include not only repairs to or replacement for their vehicle, but medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and other damages. But what if you were a passenger in the accident? What rights do you have? Can you sue for your injuries? And if so, who should you file suit against? This article will give you a basic overview of passengers’ rights when involved in a car accident. If you’ve been injured as a passenger in a car accident, please reach out to our personal injury attorneys for a consultation.

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