When a child is abused or neglected at a daycare facility, it is usually up to the police to determine whether or not criminal charges will be filed against the facility or the individual responsible. However, regardless of the decision on criminal charges, you still have the right to pursue a civil claim against the company or the specific individual responsible for harming your child—or, in some cases, you may even want to file separate cases against both parties. Here’s what you need to know about pursuing legal action for child abuse or neglect at a daycare facility.
Read MoreWhen you are injured in a car accident and the other driver was at fault, it’s common for you to receive compensation for those injuries—either through a settlement with the other driver’s insurance company, or by pursuing a personal injury case in court. But what if you were not the one who was injured, and instead, it was your family member who suffered serious injuries in the accident? Are there any circumstances in which you can receive compensation on their behalf? Keep reading to learn more.
Read MoreWhen it comes to your own insurance, you can usually file a claim without any issues and receive compensation for damage or injuries. However, if you’re trying to file a claim with another party’s insurance provider—whether that’s an individual’s car insurance or homeowner’s insurance, or a business’s liability insurance—it’s not uncommon to get the runaround. Insurance companies will often do their best to minimize payouts or avoid making payments to third parties altogether. Here are some of the most common tactics you’ll encounter when an insurance company is trying to avoid compensating you for your injuries.
Read MoreInjuries are a part of life. Just as you were bound to get a few bumps and bruises as a kid, you’re likely to sustain a few injuries as an adult too. Oftentimes, these injuries are caused by simple accidents, and the only thing you can do is try to move forward with your recovery. In other cases, however, your injury may warrant contacting a personal injury attorney. How do you know whether or not you should call an attorney regarding a recent injury? Here are a few key indicators to look for.
Read MoreNot too long ago, taxi cabs and hired cars were the only options for a paid, private ride. Now, businesses like Uber and Lyft are household names, and many rely on these companies every day for transportation. With so many of these kinds of vehicles on the road, it’s important to understand who is legally liable if you’re in an accident with one of these cars, or if you’re a passenger when the driver is in a collision. Here’s what you need to know about how ride-share drivers are covered, and who will be liable for your injuries in an accident.
Read MoreAs a homeowner, it’s your legal duty to maintain your property so that it’s safe for those who enter the property. This is known as “duty of care,” and it’s the basis for establishing liability if someone is injured on your property. While you may do your best to maintain the property so that no broken or damaged materials present a danger, there are still certain property features that can present a major liability risk for you. Here are 3 of the most common features homeowners add to their home that increase the odds of facing a liability nightmare.
Read MoreA driver is liable if their behavior on the road injures you. A dog owner is responsible if their dog bites you. But is a business liable if you’re injured in their store while shopping? Injuries in businesses are not uncommon, with slip-and-fall accidents being some of the most common ones reported. And while many slips and falls are minor, others can result in a serious injury. If you’re injured in a store, could that business be held liable? Keep reading to learn more.
Read MoreIf you're injured on someone else's property, the property owner could be liable for your medical bills and other related expenses. If the property is a residential property, the homeowner is responsible; if it's a commercial property, the liability would lie with the business. But apartment complexes span both sides of this line, making the already complex issue of liability even more difficult to understand. Who is responsible if you're injured in an apartment complex? Keep reading to learn what you need to know.
Read MoreIn today’s real estate market, closing on a new home can feel like nothing short of a miracle. The stress of finding a home, putting in a bid, and negotiating to get that home you love is finally over, and you can move in and live happily ever after. Except sometimes, a new issue arises, and you might feel like you were deceived in the sale. When this happens, some buyers will pursue legal action against the sellers. Here are a few examples of common errors sellers make that may result in a lawsuit.
Read MoreChild custody is one of the most difficult parts of divorce, and it can become particularly fraught during the holiday season. If you’re facing a divorce and wondering how to navigate shared custody throughout the holidays, it’s important that you address these issues early on in the divorce proceedings; doing so can make the ensuing years easier to handle—for you, your ex, and your children. Here are a few tips to help you through creating a holiday schedule when determining child custody, as well as navigating the holidays as co-parents year after year.
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