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How Good Are Your Odds of Winning a Workplace Harassment Case?

  • Aug 29, 2021
  • The Harr Law Firm

Despite the annual workplace harassment trainings most offices require for their employees, harassment still occurs. In most cases, a report to HR will rectify the situation. But when the harassment continues, or when the issue is much larger than a single individual, you might decide to take the issue to a higher court—a literal one. Where’s the line between an HR complaint and a harassment case? And how good are your odds of actually winning such a case? While there’s no clean-cut answer to these questions, we’ll review some important information regarding workplace harassment cases below.

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What Happens When a Child's Custodial Parent Dies?

  • Aug 15, 2021
  • The Harr Law Firm

In most child custody agreements, one parent has more custody rights than the other, and the child spends the majority of their time with this parent, known as the “custodial parent.” The noncustodial parent usually may still retain many custody rights, depending on the details of their child custody arrangement, but are not considered to be the child’s primary caregiver. So what happens when a child’s custodial parent passes away? Does the noncustodial parent automatically get custody? Keep reading to learn more.

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Is a Parent Required to Pay Child Support for a Disabled Adult Child?

  • Aug 01, 2021
  • The Harr Law Firm

Though child support law can be incredibly complex and confusing, there’s one general rule that most people understand: Child support ends when the child turns 18. While that’s true in most cases, there is one situation in which that rule might not apply. If the child is disabled in some way that requires them to receive continued support and care from their parent, the non-custodial parent may have to continue making support payments to help pay for the disabled individual’s care, even after they come of age. Here’s what you need to know about these unique circumstances.

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How People Hide Assets during Divorce—and How We Find Them

  • Jul 29, 2021
  • The Harr Law Firm

Division of assets is always one of the most contentious parts of a divorce. But the issue gets particularly messy when you’re involved in a high-asset divorce. With so much at stake, people tend to dig their heels in even harder than normal. Additionally, a large amount of assets can make it easier to slip some of those assets under the radar when disclosing financial assets. It’s not unusual for partners in a high-asset divorce to try to hid assets, so if this is something you’re concerned about, keep reading to learn more about how assets are most often hidden—and how we can help you find them.

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Will You Be Liable If a Person Is Injured on Your Property?

  • Jul 15, 2021
  • The Harr Law Firm

Liability can be a tricky thing, especially in regards to personal property. While you might expect a business to take responsibility for injuries that occur on their property, does the same thing apply to your private residence? If someone is injured on your property, could you be held liable in a civil lawsuit? Let’s take a look at a few of the factors that influence liability in these situations.

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Possible Legal Penalties for a First-Time DUI Offense

  • Jul 01, 2021
  • The Harr Law Firm

Most people recognize the hazards of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. However, impaired driving remains fairly common on roads in the United States. If you happen to be pulled over while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (whether or illegal or legal), you can face serious consequences. Just how serious could those consequences be for a first-time offender? Keep reading to find out.

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4 Questions to Ask Yourself before Filing for Divorce

  • Jun 29, 2021
  • The Harr Law Firm

A marriage is not something to be entered into quickly or without much forethought—and it shouldn’t be ended too hastily either. While there are many valid reasons to get a divorce, it’s important that you take the time to mull over this decision, seriously consider what a divorce will mean for your life, and determine if it’s really the right thing for you at this time. To help you work through this decision, here are four questions we recommend asking yourself before you file for a divorce.

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The 3 Kinds of Divorce Every Divorcee Goes Through

  • Jun 15, 2021
  • The Harr Law Firm

A divorce can be a long and often difficult process. While the amount of time it takes and just how stressful it is will vary from one couple to the next, it’s very rarely as simple as you think. In fact, your legal divorce can be just the beginning of the entire separation process. In reality, there are three stages to truly separating yourself from your ex, and we call these “the three divorces” that every divorcee goes through. Keep reading to learn more.

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The 3 I's That Most Often Lead to Divorce

  • Jun 01, 2021
  • The Harr Law Firm

Every divorce is unique and complex, and they occur for many different reasons. But in very general terms, most divorces are caused by one of three different issues, often referred to as “the 3 I’s.” What are these three I’s, which one is currently causing issues in your marriage, and how does it shape the course of your divorce? Keep reading to find out.

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5 Key Elements to a Business Defamation Claim

  • May 27, 2021
  • The Harr Law Firm

The last year has brought up many questions over what qualifies at free speech and what does not. In a world driven by social media, false statements are easy to find and can often look like legitimate facts if one fails to research it themselves. But when a false statement impacts your business’s reputation, it’s important to consider whether or not you have grounds for a defamation claim. Here are the 5 key elements that your case must have in order for you to pursue a business defamation case.

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