Liability can be a tricky thing, especially in regards to personal property. While you might expect a business to take responsibility for injuries that occur on their property, does the same thing apply to your private residence? If someone is injured on your property, could you be held liable in a civil lawsuit? Let’s take a look at a few of the factors that influence liability in these situations.
Read MoreMost people recognize the hazards of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. However, impaired driving remains fairly common on roads in the United States. If you happen to be pulled over while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (whether or illegal or legal), you can face serious consequences. Just how serious could those consequences be for a first-time offender? Keep reading to find out.
Read MoreA marriage is not something to be entered into quickly or without much forethought—and it shouldn’t be ended too hastily either. While there are many valid reasons to get a divorce, it’s important that you take the time to mull over this decision, seriously consider what a divorce will mean for your life, and determine if it’s really the right thing for you at this time. To help you work through this decision, here are four questions we recommend asking yourself before you file for a divorce.
Read MoreA divorce can be a long and often difficult process. While the amount of time it takes and just how stressful it is will vary from one couple to the next, it’s very rarely as simple as you think. In fact, your legal divorce can be just the beginning of the entire separation process. In reality, there are three stages to truly separating yourself from your ex, and we call these “the three divorces” that every divorcee goes through. Keep reading to learn more.
Read MoreEvery divorce is unique and complex, and they occur for many different reasons. But in very general terms, most divorces are caused by one of three different issues, often referred to as “the 3 I’s.” What are these three I’s, which one is currently causing issues in your marriage, and how does it shape the course of your divorce? Keep reading to find out.
Read MoreThe last year has brought up many questions over what qualifies at free speech and what does not. In a world driven by social media, false statements are easy to find and can often look like legitimate facts if one fails to research it themselves. But when a false statement impacts your business’s reputation, it’s important to consider whether or not you have grounds for a defamation claim. Here are the 5 key elements that your case must have in order for you to pursue a business defamation case.
Read MoreIn many divorces, it’s beneficial to meet with a mediator, as well as your separate divorce attorneys. But why? What can a mediator provide for you that we, as your divorce attorneys, often can’t? Mediators have a unique role in divorce proceedings. Keep reading to learn more about what they do and how they can help your divorce go more smoothly.
Read MoreIt’s natural to second-guess major decisions in your life—even the ones that are absolutely the right decision. The same is true of divorce. “Am I doing the right thing?” is a question many people encounter as they begin working through a divorce. But does this mean you need to reconsider your decision? Here are some important considerations for when you’re having these kinds of second thoughts.
Read MoreA legal separation allows a married couple to lead separate lives as if they were divorced, while remaining legally married. For most couples, a legal separation eventually leads to a divorce or an annulment. However, for some, that separation period is the time that they need to work out their issues and decide that they don’t actually want to end their marriage. If you’ve been legally separated but are ready to reconcile, you can reverse your legal separation and return to a “joint” status as a married couple. Here’s how to do it.
Read MoreWhen you entrust a loved one’s care to a nursing home, you do so with the faith that they will be properly cared for and treated with the respect they deserve. And while most long-term care facilities are safe, reliable, and caring, there are times when those you entrusted with your family member’s care fail you. When cases of nursing home abuse arise, it’s important to recognize the signs right away, so you can get your loved one somewhere safer, where they’ll be properly cared for. Keep reading to learn the signs of nursing home abuse that often go overlooked.
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