In many divorces, it’s beneficial to meet with a mediator, as well as your separate divorce attorneys. But why? What can a mediator provide for you that we, as your divorce attorneys, often can’t? Mediators have a unique role in divorce proceedings. Keep reading to learn more about what they do and how they can help your divorce go more smoothly.
Read MoreIt’s natural to second-guess major decisions in your life—even the ones that are absolutely the right decision. The same is true of divorce. “Am I doing the right thing?” is a question many people encounter as they begin working through a divorce. But does this mean you need to reconsider your decision? Here are some important considerations for when you’re having these kinds of second thoughts.
Read MoreA legal separation allows a married couple to lead separate lives as if they were divorced, while remaining legally married. For most couples, a legal separation eventually leads to a divorce or an annulment. However, for some, that separation period is the time that they need to work out their issues and decide that they don’t actually want to end their marriage. If you’ve been legally separated but are ready to reconcile, you can reverse your legal separation and return to a “joint” status as a married couple. Here’s how to do it.
Read MoreWhen you entrust a loved one’s care to a nursing home, you do so with the faith that they will be properly cared for and treated with the respect they deserve. And while most long-term care facilities are safe, reliable, and caring, there are times when those you entrusted with your family member’s care fail you. When cases of nursing home abuse arise, it’s important to recognize the signs right away, so you can get your loved one somewhere safer, where they’ll be properly cared for. Keep reading to learn the signs of nursing home abuse that often go overlooked.
Read MoreMany people feel that we live in a nation of lawsuits for personal gain. But in reality, getting rich off a personal injury case is a rare exception, rather than the rule. Pursuing a lawsuit because you’ve been injured by someone else’s actions or negligence is almost never selfish, and if you’ve been led to believe that, we’d like to dispel that idea. Here are four reasons why you are completely justified in seeking reparations for your injury.
Read MoreExpungement and sealing of juvenile criminal records after reaching adulthood is a common request, and typically quite easy to pursue. Expunging or sealing a criminal record from your adult years can be a bit more complicated—but it’s not impossible. If you would like to have your adult criminal record expunged, here are a few things you need to know. To get more direct advice on your case and to determine if your record would be eligible for expungement, contact one of our criminal defense attorneys.
Read MoreWhile the tradition has been losing popularity in recent years, many women still choose to take on their husband’s last name when they marry. If you changed your name when you were married (whether you took on your spouse’s name or hyphenated your last name), you might be wondering what to do now that you’re facing divorce. Should you keep your ex’s last name for the sake of simplicity? Or reclaim your identity by reclaiming your former surname? While there is no one right answer to this question, here are a few things you should consider when making this decision.
Read MoreWhen negotiating an amount for a legal settlement in any case, it’s important to consider not only the initial settlement amount, but the final amount you’ll receive after taxes and legal fees have been applied. What many people don’t realize is that most money received from legal cases is taxable by the US government. Keep reading to learn more about how your legal settlement will likely be taxed. We strongly recommend consulting with an accountant to get more specific information on taxation for your settlement amount.
Read MoreIn 2015, the American Sociological Association conducted a study that discovered 69% of all divorces were initiated by women. This, of course, leads to the question of “Why?” Why is it that women are more than twice as likely to initiate a divorce as their male partners? Are women just inherently unsatisfied in their relationships? Are men just more likely to be the root of the problem, pushing their wives away? The answer is, of course, a bit more complex than that. Let’s look a bit more closely at the matter.
Read MoreWhen someone says that they’re a doctor by profession, one of the first questions many people ask is “What kind?” Because most people recognize that there are many different practice areas in the field of medicine, they know that specialization in an area is essential for any doctor worth their mettle. But far fewer people recognize that practicing law works in much the same way. Specialization is key for any attorney to become skilled in their practice, and just as you wouldn’t want a podiatrist performing your heart surgery, you shouldn’t want a real estate lawyer handling your divorce case. Here’s why specialization is so important in law.
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