In any divorce, asset division is an important factor (and often the most time-consuming element) in the divorce proceedings. But if you or your spouse has a large number of assets—be it business assets, financial assets, properties, or other types of assets—there are certain things you will need to consider. Here’s what you should know about your high-asset divorce.
Read MoreOn any given day, there are likely dozens of products currently being recalled. From children’s toys to exercise equipment and even automobiles, faulty products present a major liability to manufacturers and distributors alike. But if you, as the consumer, are injured by a faulty or defective product (whether it’s been recalled or not), what courses of action are available to you? Here are some steps you can take to potentially receive compensation for your injuries.
Read MoreBeing arrested for and charged with a DUI can have major impacts on your life. You will likely have your license suspended, if not completely revoked. You could face high court costs, fees, and other penalties. You could serve jail time. You may even lose your job or, at the very least, your employability will be impacted. A DUI charge is nothing to take lightly, so here are 6 steps that you should take immediately after being charged with one.
Read MoreWhen you make the decision to move a loved one into an assisted living facility, you are entrusting that family member’s happiness and well-being to the staff members that work there. It is a bond of trust, and when that trust is violated through abuse or neglect, the impact can be devastating. However, many times, family members are unaware of the abuse that is happening, because the abused individual refuses to speak about it. Here are 6 signs to be on the lookout for that may indicate nursing home abuse or neglect.
Read MoreDuring a divorce, emotions run high, and individuals often say and do things that they might later regret. There’s no doubt that a divorce can often bring out the worst in a person. Because of the high tensions throughout the divorce process, some people may wonder if filing a restraining order against their spouse is an option. If it is an action you are considering, there are a few things that you should know.
Read MoreIf you’re heading towards what feels like an inevitable divorce, it may be worth your time to start thinking about how your assets will be divided. If you signed a prenuptial agreement, the division of your assets is already determined, and you should review that agreement with your attorney as soon as you can. If, however, you did not sign a prenuptial agreement, there are certain steps you should take to prepare for the division of assets that will come along with your divorce.
Read MoreThe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law enacted in 1990 to prevent discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The purpose of the ADA is to ensure that disabled citizens have the same opportunities and rights as others by ensuring that public areas and businesses are accessible and amenable to anyone with a physical disability. Violating the ADA can land you with a hefty lawsuit and serious fines. Here’s what you can do to avoid this kind of a lawsuit, and what to do if you’ve been accused of violating the ADA.
Read MoreDivorce is never pretty, and it can become a true nightmare if you and your spouse have children together. No matter how you may feel about your spouse, it is important to do what is best for your children during the divorce proceedings, as well as after you and your spouse have divorced. But child custody can be a complicated matter, and it goes far beyond who gets the children for which months of the year. Here is a brief overview of the different types of child custody and their major differences, so you can decide what is best for your child or children.
Read MoreDuring a divorce, tensions run high, and it’s not uncommon for both parties to say and do things to hurt the other. Frequently, these hurtful and hateful things are said without thought, and are brushed off after the divorce has been finalized. But what if your ex said or did something that permanently impacted your reputation? Are there consequences for such situations? In other words, can you sue your ex for defamation? Here’s what you need to know.
Read MoreA guardian ad litem is frequently appointed in family law cases that involve allegations of child abuse, neglect, or abandonment. However, on can also be appointed in divorces and child custody cases, if one or more of the involved parties believes it is necessary for the child’s best interests to be protected. If you are currently going through a difficult divorce, and you are concerned about your child or children’s best interests being protected, then it may be wise to ask for a guardian ad litem to be involved in your case. Here’s what you need to know about appointing such an individual in your divorce case.
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